Friday, September 8, 2023

Fundraising | Fall/Winter 2023

The Saplings Parents' Association has set up a few fundraising opportunities for parents to participate in that will help support our initiatives this year. 

Purdy's Chocolates

The link will prompt you to "join campaign by entering your email". If you have already joined, you can log in with your username and password. From the main page, follow these steps to place your order: 

 "menu button" at the top right --> "shop online" -->"use marketplace" --> select your items --> proceed to checkout --> review your order --> add your credit card info and pay to submit your order. 

Mabel's Labels

Type "Saplings Parent Association" in the search bar and begin supporting the Saplings Parents’ Association by shopping for fun labels. We will receive 20% of all sales. 


When you order a product, 20% of the total sales value will go to the Saplings Parents' Association. You can feel good knowing you are helping your organization, and purchasing products that help save the environment.

SunOka Apples

These are not just the ordinary apples we are used to getting in our grocery stores. This family farm has won major awards for their fruit. And because we’re sourcing them directly from the farm, you get to buy them at below grocery store prices. With each box sold the Saplings Parents' Association will raise $8-10.

Meridian Farm Market ~Link to come~

Purchase an online gift card for either $20 or $100 knowing that 30% of your purchase will go towards Saplings Parents' Association. All new fundraiser gift cards now work exclusively online. Shop fresh craft meats, local handpicked produce, and farm market goodness delivered fresh to your door.

Return-It Express

Recycle all your containers and support the Parents' Association. Follow the guide steps 2-3 linked above. 
The registered phone number to print the labels for your recycling bags: 236-992-4111. Once your bags are labeled and ready for drop off, text the code BUSQ to 778-400-5253 and you will receive a one-time pin which will open the door to the bag drop-off at your desired location. 

Click here for more instructions. 

Welcome Saplings Parents

Welcome to your SPA (Saplings Parents' Assocation) Blog . The goal of this space is to keep the parents informed about various importan...